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Waxing has finally become one of our SPA procedures, as a painless beauty ritual. The professionals at Grožio Galerija Dailios work with the special, italian RICA depilation system. A perfect result isnt just a coincidence. It it the concequence of long-term experience, advanced technologies and the strive for beauty. 98% of the ingredients in the Rica depilation sytem are natural. Since there is no resin or oil in the ingredients, rashes will not appear. Our professionals wont let you feel uncomfortable during the procedure. After the depilation, you will enjoy smooth and healthy skin. We can also provide you with products, that slow down hair growth, skin relaxation gel and softening body cream.

How to prepare for the depilation, so that the procedure doesnt cause discomfort?

Chose the appropriate time.

Do not do the procedure 28-48 hours before planned vacations, sun baths, holidays, bathing, saunas or active sports. After the depilation, the skin is naked and can cause reness, rashes, or after being in the sun, leave pigment spots. After 48 hours of carefulness, thers no holding back. For women, the depilation should be done a week after her cycle or no more later than a week to the beggining of the cycle. During the cycle, a womens skin is very sensitive and intolerant to pain, especially if you are doing the procedure for the first itme.

Suitable hair length

If the hair is thin and soft, 5-7 mm of hair is enough. If the hair is thick and hard, the hair should be 7-10 mm in length (about 2 weeks after shaving).


Before the depilation, do not consume alcohol, caffeine, painkillers or any other substances that can liquefy the blood or have any effect on the procedures quality. You must inform the esthetician about consumed substances or cream of any form of Vitamin A, contraceptives, cehmical peelings during the last 10 days, pregnancy, diabetes or other conditions that can affect the procedure.


All procedures are done in a seperate and closed room, to let you feel free and comfortable. The first depilation can be painful. Despite that, our services are deliverd by professionals with high quality equipment.


Face depilation

Due to disrupted hormone activity, using certain medicines or some  diseases, in the women organism produces more manly hormones. This way hair starts gowing in unusual places for women (aobve the lip, beard, on the side of the face). Dont worry, you arent alone. A wax depilation is easiest and safest way to get rid of the hair.

Duration: 10 – 30 min   Price: From 12 €

Arm / Leg depilation

It doesnt metter if you have light hair on the thighs, or hard hair on the shin, unwanted hair is unwanted hair and it annoys you irritates you either way.  The solution? A wax depilation. The procedure takes up to 30 minutes, but the result will satisfy you for a few weeks. During the procedure, not only will unwanted hair get removed, but also the dead cells too. This way the skin becomes smoother, absorbs moisturizing, feeding creams/lotions, tans will last longer and will look better.

Duration: 10 – 30 minutes   Price: from 12 €



Bikini depilation

During the last few decades, a lot of attention goes to the bikini area. Bikini area waxing and design is a usual procedure for most women, despite their age or status. This is the most subtle debilation procedure, but for a esthetician, this is a daily procedure. There are a few types of bikini depilations:

Hygienic depilations are ussually done with leg depilations and the hair is removed up to the panties. During this procedure, our client is ussually just in their underwear.

Duration: 10 minutes   Price: 8 €


French depilations leave a line of hair, that is 2-3 cm wide, going down the middle. Hair is not removed from the behind.

Duration: 15 minutes   Price: From 12 €


During brazilian depilations, hair is removed from the front, inside and backside, with a possibility to leave a thin strip or triangle. During this procedure, the client does not wear underwear.

Duration: 20-45 minutes  Price: From 18 €

Male Waxing

Men have also started visiteing beauty salons, wanting to get depilation procedures. We at Grožio Galerija Dailios will be waiting for you. We promise  comfort, high quality services and perfect depilation techniques. With the help of professional products we will reduce as much pain as we can.

Eyebrows: 5 €  

Ear areas: 7 €

Nose area: 7 €

Armpits: 10-15 €

Arms: 15-20 €

Chest: 5-20 €

Back: 15-25 €


Prices depend on the hair length and procedure duration

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